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Gas Leak Detection & Repairs

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Our contractors are highly trained to ensure safety and experienced at detecting natural gas leaks and repairing them completely. Gas leak detection and gas line repairs should always be performed by trained professionals to ensure the every available precaution is taken for the safety of you, your family, and your neighbors. If you suspect a gas leak in your home or building, it’s essential to contact a qualified plumber or gas technician immediately.

If you smell gas you should immediately leave the area and once at a safe distance:

1: Call 9-1-1
2: Call Southwest Gas at (877) 860-6020 to have one of their representatives respond as soon as possible.
3: Call Pentagon Plumbing

Natural gas is highly flammable and therefore the use of matches, lighters, and other ignitions could pose significant safety concerns.

If you suspect a gas leak, complete the steps outlined above. Read on for more information about how Pentagon Plumbing will identify where your gas is leaking and how they work to repair gas leaks at your home or business.

Gas Leak Detection

The process of resolving a gas leak begins with pinpointing precisely where the gas is leaking from. At Pentagon Plumbing, our team works hard to identify the precise location of your gas leak using a variety of proven methods which may include:

Visual Inspection: Our licensed plumbers often start by visually inspecting gas pipes and fittings for any signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections.

Using Gas Detectors: Advanced gas detection equipment may be used by our plumbers to pinpoint even the slightest amounts of gas in the air.

Soap and Water Test: Once the area has been identified, a soap and water test may help us pinpoint specifically where the leak is coming from. By applying a solution of water and dish soap to the general area we watch while bubbles form from the leak.

Gas Leak Repairs

gas leak repair Las Vegas

Once a leak is detected the gas leak repair process may begin. This is where quality matters most. Due to the highly flammable nature of natural gas a leak must be properly repaired and tested to ensure that no problems, or gas leaks, occur in the future. For this reason, Pentagon Plumbing takes all necessary safeguards and steps to fully repair your gas leak. This process includes:

Shut Off Gas Supply: Before any work begins to repair your gas leak, Pentagon Plumbing will ensure that the gas supply is shut off completely. While this step should have been taken by Southwest Gas, a second check is always performed.

Damaged Component Replacement: Depending on the severity of the leak and the cause, any number of components may be replaced including damaged pipes, fittings or valves. When necessary, this may involve cutting out the damaged section and installing new piping or fittings.

Tightening Connections: In some cases, a loose connection may be the cause of the leak. The plumber tightens fittings and connections to ensure they are secure.

Sealing: Once repairs are complete, an application of sealant or thread tape may be applied to fittings to prevent against future leaks.

Testing: A critical step after gas leak repairs are completed is testing the natural gas system. This includes a review of the natural gas system using a gas leak detection equipment. This necessary step ensures that your gas leak has been successfully repaired and that there are no other leaks present.

Safety Checks: Before leaving your property after a gas leak repair has been performed a full system safety check will be conducted. This includes the system testing and review of the functionality of your system. At Pentagon Plumbing we take your safety seriously and ensuring that no other potential hazards exist from your gas system is essential.

Natural Gas vs Propane

Gas leak detection and repairs are the same whether you have natural gas or propane gas at your home or business. The biggest differences, other than the odor of the gas and the company you call to report the leak, is whether it connects to a tank or an underground line. This only slightly changes the process for where the line is checked and not how the line is checked. Pentagon Plumbing are proficient at checking both propane gas leaks and natural gas leaks.

Pentagon Plumbing For Gas Leak Repairs In Las Vegas

Properly repairing gas leaks is essential to the safety of building occupants and neighborhoods. While plumbing companies in Las Vegas are able to provide gas leak repair services, only those with specialized training and advanced equipment are comfortable offering these services. As the process of detecting and repairing gas leaks brings with it the highest levels of safety, only the most skilled and knowledgeable plumbing companies tend to offer these services.

In Las Vegas, if you are experiencing a gas leak and are in need of a repair contact Pentagon Plumbing. We are available to respond immediately and offer the repairs you can trust. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for immediate dispatch.

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